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Where do your donations go

Since its creation, more than $6,650,000 has been donated to the Hospital to develop and improve care. The Jean-Talon Hospital Foundation now serves the Petite-Patrie Villeray Local Service Network (RLS).

Harpoon - mammography

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To allow radiologists at Jean-Talon Hospital to perform operations with greater precision, the Foundation granted a $9,000 dedicated donation to the radiology department for the purchase of a localization “kit”. The hospital is now able to respond adequately to additional cases of patients with deep breast injuries.
Thanks to your donations, the Jean-Talon Hospital can better serve its community. Thank you from the heart!

Harpoon - mammography

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To allow radiologists at Jean-Talon Hospital to perform operations with greater precision, the Foundation granted a $9,000 dedicated donation to the radiology department for the purchase of a localization “kit”. The hospital is now able to respond adequately to additional cases of patients with deep breast injuries.
Thanks to your donations, the Jean-Talon Hospital can better serve its community. Thank you from the heart!

Harpoon - mammography

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To allow radiologists at Jean-Talon Hospital to perform operations with greater precision, the Foundation granted a $9,000 dedicated donation to the radiology department for the purchase of a localization “kit”. The hospital is now able to respond adequately to additional cases of patients with deep breast injuries.
Thanks to your donations, the Jean-Talon Hospital can better serve its community. Thank you from the heart!

BladderScan for day surgery


It is with pride that the HJT Foundation presented a Bladderscan to the day surgery department at Jean-Talon Hospital.

This device, funded by the HJT Foundation, will greatly improve the work of the entire team in the department and, by the same token, the quality of care offered to patients.

Thank you to the donors who made this acquisition possible!

An ultrasound machine for the HJT emergency

Écho Urgence 2018

On June 13, the Foundation funded a portable ultrasound machine for use by the emergency department at Jean-Talon Hospital.


This device will greatly improve the work of the entire team in the department and, by the same token, the quality of care offered to patients.


Thank you to the generous donor who made this acquisition possible!

Harpoon - mammography

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To allow radiologists at Jean-Talon Hospital to perform operations with greater precision, the Foundation granted a $9,000 dedicated donation to the radiology department for the purchase of a localization “kit”. The hospital is now able to respond adequately to additional cases of patients with deep breast injuries.
Thanks to your donations, the Jean-Talon Hospital can better serve its community. Thank you from the heart!

Harpoon - mammography

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To allow radiologists at Jean-Talon Hospital to perform operations with greater precision, the Foundation granted a $9,000 dedicated donation to the radiology department for the purchase of a localization “kit”. The hospital is now able to respond adequately to additional cases of patients with deep breast injuries.
Thanks to your donations, the Jean-Talon Hospital can better serve its community. Thank you from the heart!

A stretcher for the comfort of the patient ... and the technologist!



The ergonomic stretcher with adapted specifications was created so that the technologist can work in ergonomic positions, with a stretcher easily adaptable to the needs of the technologist or that of the user. This project was carried out by Luc Mainville, assistant chief in radiology at the Jean-Talon Hospital.


To know all the details, see the article published in the magazine EchoX .


Thanks to the support of its community, the Foundation financed the acquisition of three of these stretchers.


Domus Auto mattresses for palliative care 

Domus Auto

Thanks to the support of our donors, the Foundation has acquired eight Domus Auto mattresses for the palliative care department at Jean-Talon Hospital.

$250,000 for the surgical department at Jean-Talon Hospital

Chirurgie bariatrique

For specialized surgeries to be performed, the Jean-Talon Hospital Foundation recently granted more than $250,000 for the purchase of an operating table, a transfer mattress, an endoscopy cart, as well as accessories specially designed for this type of surgery. The Hospital thus became the second hospital center of our CIUSSS to be equipped with all the adequate equipment necessary for this type of intervention, which also allows the 4 specialized surgeons in our territory to improve their performance and reduce the time needed for surgery. 

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